
Learn JavaScript

In this JavaScript course, you’ll learn to manipulate the DOM, use variables and data types, control program flow with loops and conditionals, and create functions to modularize your code. You’ll also learn to use JavaScript to make dynamic web pages and add interactivity to your websites. By the end of the course, you’ll have the skills to create powerful and dynamic web applications.

Course Syllabus:

Getting Started

  • What is JavaScript?
  • Why learn JavaScript?
  • What you’ll learn
  • How to run JavaScript code
  • Creating a separate JS file
  • Understanding & using console.log()
  • Using alert() in JavaScript
  • Using prompt() in JavaScript
  • Using confirm() in JavaScript

Javascript Basics

  • Variable syntax in JavaScript
  • Understand how variables are stored
  • Defining variables with let and const
  • Arithmetic/Numerical Operations in JavaScript
  • Modulus Operator
  • Strings in JavaScript
  • Integers in JavaScript
  • Integer Operations (+=, -=, *=, /=)
  • Boolean Values in JavaScript
  • Comparison Operators & Boolean Expressions
  • = vs == vs ===
  • Lists in JavaScript
  • if loop syntax
  • Using the else if statement
  • Using the else statement
  • Logical Operators (And, Or, Not)
  • Using Truth Tables
  • String Indexes
  • Using .length and .substring()
  • Using .toUpperCase() and .toLowerCase()
  • Splitting strings with .split() and using .replace()
  • Using indexes of a list
  • Length of a list with .length
  • Adding and removing items with .push() and .pop()
  • Using methods like .shift() and .unshift()
  • Sorting, reversing, and splicing lists
    • .sort()
    • .reverse()
    • .splice()
  • while loop syntax
  • Using conditions in while loops
  • The break statement
  • for loop syntax
  • Iterating through lists
  • The for of loop
  • Defining functions in JavaScript
  • function syntax
  • Using Parameters
  • Returning Values
  • Scope in Functions
Rock, Paper, and Scissors

Javascript Projects (Coming Soon)

Simple Todo List
Sticky Note Creator